Dissertation Writers: discuss the fact that education is pushing students into a college prep career track opposed to traditional vocational carrier tracks.

Dissertation Writers: discuss the fact that education is pushing students into a college prep career track opposed to traditional vocational carrier tracks.

Credentialism is the overemphasis on educational credentials. In the above video, the Discovery Channel’s Mike Rowe discusses the fact that education is pushing students into a college prep career track opposed to traditional vocational carrier tracks.

Answer all questions and responses from your peers and instructor. Provide APA citations and references to the textbook, scholarly sources, news sources, and popular media. Use only scholarly sources, including; the textbook, scholarly journals, reputable news sources, and popular media. This means NO Wikipedia, online dictionaries, or questionable news sources or blogs.

  • Is our current system of educational credentialism creating a skills gap in our economy?
  • Does your future career require credential(s)?
  • Is/are the credential(s) essential to the occupation?
  • What is some evidence that it’s working for us?
  • What is some evidence that it’s not working for us?
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