Dissertation Writers: Discuss interrogation tactics that lead to false confession, specifying at least two examples and explain the reason they are considered coercive

Dissertation Writers: Discuss interrogation tactics that lead to false confession, specifying at least two examples and explain the reason they are considered coercive

What specific factors about police interrogative tactics do you think will be important to the defense strategy? Discuss interrogation tactics that lead to false confession, specifying at least two examples and explain the reason they are considered coercive. Include information about how this would look in an actual interrogation and how the client experienced this behavior.

Create a presentation to give to the attorney. You will need to explain each of your arguments. You should expect to have 30 minutes to present your arguments. You should include detailed speaker notes to assist in your presentation. Please make sure to have at least 12 slides for review besides a title slide and a References slide. Each slide should be thoroughly referenced and cited based in psychological research, using APA formatting.

Submit your assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Grading Criteria

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