Dissertation Writers: Discuss how these roles and/or skills would have positively impacted the police professionals’ interactions with the macro community

Dissertation Writers: Discuss how these roles and/or skills would have positively impacted the police professionals’ interactions with the macro community

Think about forensic psychology professional roles and skills that can be applied to specific macro communities. • Select an event or situation that has affected a macro community of your choice. Your choice can be based on media or historical references, or you can choose your own community. • Think about the roles and/or skills a forensic psychology professional could have contributed to the police professionals involved in your example. Consider how these roles and/or skills would have positively impacted the police professionals’ interactions with the macro community depicted in your example. With these thoughts in mind: Post by Day 4 a brief description of an event/situation that has affected a macro community. Analyze the roles and/or skills that a forensic psychology professional could have provided the police professionals involved in your example, as well as an evaluation of the positive impact of these roles and/or skills. Be specific and support your analysis with references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.• Review the document, “Not in My Neighborhood: An Essay on Policing Place,” and think about how police professionals define and view neighborhoods (or macro communities). • Review the article, “Taming the Madness of Crowds,” and think about how forensic psychology professionals can contribute to the police professionals’ understanding of macro communities. Consider the skills that the forensic psychology professional can impart to police professionals to aid in their interaction with a macro community. • Review the article, “Law Enforcement and the Public: The Role of Intergroup Accommodations.” Think about how forensic psychology professionals can help police professionals interact with macro communities. • Review the article, “The Successful Resolution of Armed Hostage/Barricade Events in Schools: A Qualitative Analysis.”

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