Dissertation Writers: discuss debt and equity financing or the cost of capital either within a broad industry context or within the health care field

Dissertation Writers: discuss debt and equity financing or the cost of capital either within a broad industry context or within the health care field

Healthcare is expensive. It takes an enormous amount of capital to secure the necessary resources to finance the care delivery continuum. The cost and sources of that capital are critical to being able to understand the cost of conducting business in general, and it also forms the basis off of which future projects can be evaluated on a quantitative basis (e.g., capital budgeting, lease financing). For this discussion, do the following:

· Locate and discuss at least one online resource (a link, article, or book, for example) pertaining to debt and equity financing or the cost of capital either within a broad industry context or within the health care field.

Must include the required headings and content as listed above.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must utilize assessment manuals as necessary to support the inclusion and results of the assessments.

Must use a minimum of four peer-reviewed sources, at least two of which must be from good sources.

Must document all sources in APA style

Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style


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