Dissertation Writers: Digital version of a science fair poster.
Poster Instruction: Create a poster with the content of the following highlighting (Bold) : the poster should be contain with all the following information of the case study title 2007 VIRGINIA TECH SHOOTING. Think of this as a digital version of a science fair poster. This should be done in PowerPoint. A over-simplified how-to can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwOAlYJ5QT0 Your poster should have a Catchy Title that relates and identifies the Case Study ( 2007 Virginia Tech Shooting) as well as your name. The headings you should have on your poster are: •Background Information: (Which should cover: Event Background, What/When/Where/Why (if applicable), Number of people affected/injured/killed, Primary and Secondary Hazards associated with the event (as applicable), Interesting Facts •Phases of Homeland Security (one heading for each phase) – 3-5 points minimum should be included for each phase ◦Prevention ◦Protection ◦Mitigation ◦Response ◦Recovery •References As a reminder: A minimum 5 references must be included in APA Format, at least two must be from your own research above and beyond sources provided to you. You must also include in-text citations (Author, Year) for each piece of information. Failure to cite will be considered plagiarism and a zero will be issued for the assignment. Keep quotations to a minimum but make sure to use quotation marks and pages or paragraph numbers when quoting. Don’t forget to USE GRAPHICS when applicable and make sure to have “white space.” A few sample posters are attached, but please note, they have nothing to do with Emergency Management and are just ideas for designs.