Dissertation Writers: Differentiating the concepts of DECISION MAKING  and DELEGATION

Dissertation Writers: Differentiating the concepts of DECISION MAKING  and DELEGATION

research multifaceted assessment.

Incorporate what you learned in your readings and respond to the following:

  • Explain why it might be important to distinguish between typical development, developmental disability, and emotional disturbance for Anne Marie.
  • Evaluate the roles each of the following would play in addressing Anne Marie’s challenges:
  • Identify any other information that might be important when assessing Anne Marie’s difficulties and designing an intervention for her. Discuss why this information would be important and how would you go about obtaining that information?

Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Choose a case study with the primary topic of either DECISION MAKING  or DELEGATION. (See list of cases on table 3-1 in chapter 3 of your text).

Step one:  Briefly summarize the case.

Step two:  Answer the questions and or instructions at the end of the case.   (Consider the following self assessment questions in reviewing your answer:   Do my recommendations show that I fully understand the issues involved in the case?  Could my recommendations realisticaly solve the problem?  Do my recommendations appear to be as fair as possible to al parties involved?  Do my recommendations support the goals of the organization?  If this were a real world problem, could I live with my recommendations?)

Step three: Review the author’s responses for your case in the responses section of your materials.  Briefly discuss whether or not your recommendations were similar to the author’s.  Would you adjust your recommendations after seeing the author’s proposed recommendations, or would you defend your own recommendation?  Why?

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