Dissertation Writers: Determining which rights are fundamental, judges are not left at large to decide cases in light of their personal and private notions.

Dissertation Writers: Determining which rights are fundamental, judges are not left at large to decide cases in light of their personal and private notions.

The right to privacy protect a women’s right to have an abortion because, the court or a judge cannot use the way the feel about something to make a ruling “In determining which rights are fundamental, judges are not left at large to decide cases in light of their personal and private notions. Rather, they must look to the “traditions and [collective] conscience of our people” to determine whether a principle is “so rooted [there] . . . as to be ranked as fundamental.” Snyder v. Massachusetts, 105. The inquiry is whether a right involved is of such a character that it cannot be denied without violating those “fundamental principles of liberty and justice which lie at the base of all our civil and political institutions. They stated that there can be no judgement made because of something that may be fundamental to that judge. So, the way he/she was raised and what may have been instilled in him/her should not come into play when making a ruling.

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