Dissertation Writers: Detail a brief policy proposal in which you explain how government intervention may reduce the impact of race, class, and gender upon health outcomes in the United States.

Dissertation Writers: Detail a brief policy proposal in which you explain how government intervention may reduce the impact of race, class, and gender upon health outcomes in the United States.

  1. Using several sociological concepts covered in our readings and discussion, explain how sociologists view the relationship between the key social variables of race, gender, class and health. (For example, explain how the intersection of race, class, and gender can help us predict health related outcomes.)
  2. After engaging in “your own” independent research, citing a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed journal articles (no more than five years old) provide one meaningful example of a health problem that is clearly impacted by race, class, and gender.
  3. Finally, detail a brief policy proposal in which you explain how government intervention may reduce the impact of race, class, and gender upon health outcomes in the United States. Here, you want to identify at least two organizations/agencies.
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