Dissertation Writers: Describes the basis for developing the interview guide (literature, theory, personal experience) of the interview questions) Includes a copy of the interview guide as an appendix.

Dissertation Writers: Describes the basis for developing the interview guide (literature, theory, personal experience) of the interview questions) Includes a copy of the interview guide as an appendix.

Role of the Researcher
Researcher’s role is presented in a manner consistent with qualitative research, the chosen approach, and relevance to the research topic.

Participant Selection
Describes the target group of interest, sampling strategy and ideal sample size.
Describes the criterion for sample selection.
Describes how 2 participants were contacted and invited for this effort.
Presents the protocol that includes the invitation, informed consent (verbatim document from the Walden IRB), closing statement, and peer debrief paragraph

Describes the basis for developing the interview guide (literature, theory, personal experience) of the interview questions) Includes a copy of the interview guide as an appendix.
Describe efforts to insure content rigor and credibility of the interview guide.
Describes how other data sources were created and how they could be used to support analysis and interpretation of interview data (e.g., journal, notes, video)

Procedures for Data Collection
Includes a narrative of
where/how the data were collected; duration of data collection events;
how data were recorded; how the participants were debriefed.
Ethical procedures to protect the participants during the recruiting, data collection and debriefing process are described.

Data Analysis Plan
Based on the work done in Week 10, presents the plan that best fits the chosen approach
Summarizes the codes and categories developed from transcript analysis.
Describes considerations for choosing QDA software.
Summarizes the comparison of your hand-coding experience with what you researched on QDA software.
For each dimension of trustworthiness (credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability) describe

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