Dissertation Writers: describe your specific roles that helped to prevent the act of violence from escalating

Dissertation Writers: describe your specific roles that helped to prevent the act of violence from escalating

The principal investigator (PI; the first author) conducted on-site interviews with consenting adults who were directly involved with each event. Participants were interviewed individually and asked the questions presented below in the same order. The PI also asked follow-up questions to clarify or seek additional details.

1. Please describe your specific roles that helped to prevent the act of violence from escalating. 2. Can you describe any specific systemic conditions (e.g., school atmosphere, community)

that you believe prevented this act from becoming more violent? 3. To what do you attribute the successful outcome of this situation?

604 Daniels et al.

Psychology in the Schools DOI: 10.1002/pits

4. What advice would you give to other school professionals that may find themselves in a similar situation, or may need help developing a violence prevention program for their school?

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