Dissertation Writers: Describe the criteria that makes this image an acceptable image or a repeat image to include the corrections needed if not optimal or the optimal qualities that make it acceptable.

Dissertation Writers: Describe the criteria that makes this image an acceptable image or a repeat image to include the corrections needed if not optimal or the optimal qualities that make it acceptable.

Identify all radiographic anatomy on any radiograph presented

We can see carpal bones, styloid process, ulna head, ulna, radius, radial tubercle, radial neck, radial head, trochlea, olecranon process, and humerus

· Describe the position of part, position of patient and position of the image receptor, CR location, CR angle, SID, breathing instructions and structures seen for the projection presented.

· AP Forearm position (forearm is supinated, and its dorsal surface is kept in contact with the cassette with extension at the elbow joint, 14×17 image receptor, Central Range mid forearm, no angle, 40 SID, no breathing instructions, no angle, and the collimation is distal to the wrist joint until to the proximal elbow joint

· Define and relate technique terminology to study. In addition, state technical factors and why they were used.

Good image technique kVp 60 & mAs 1.6

· Describe the criteria that makes this image an acceptable image or a repeat image to include the corrections needed if not optimal or the optimal qualities that make it acceptable.

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