Dissertation Writers: Describe the activities involved in the performance management process.

Dissertation Writers: Describe the activities involved in the performance management process.

Describe the activities involved in the performance management process.

When it comes to performance management the process is easy. The process of performance management is when managers ensure that employees’ activities and output contribute to the organizations goals. Meaning that the better performance the employee gives, giving better sales and better profits encourages then enhancement of performance because it gives the offer of better pay and better benefits in return. Managers must make sure performance management with their systems and ideas still treat everyone with equal respect disregarding any seeing of race sex or other things. In the performance management process its keen to remember that job performance can be part contamination part validity and part deficiency. Keeping these in mind when doing a performance check is key to seeing the employees true working skills. There are 6 major steps of performance management.

1. Define performance outcomes for the company division and department.

2. Develop employee goals, behavior and actions to achieve outcomes.

3. Provide support and ongoing performance discussions

4. Evaluate the performance

5. Identify improvements needed or,

6. Provide consequences for performance results

Following these few steps can ensure a good performance process.


The forced ranking approach is one of several methods of managing performance described in the textbook. Compare the fairness of forced rankings relative to two other methods of measuring performance described in this chapter.

With forced rankings the evaluated is forced to grade against a scale our book gives this one:


Exceeds standards—25%

Meets standards—55%

Room for improvement—10%

Not acceptable—5%

When using simple ranking it measures it requires that management rank employees in their job titles from the highest to the lowest. This gives the best rankings to the ones who have earned it giving fair chances for an increase in their payroll.

When using paired comparison measurement, it ranks according to comparing employees with everyone, not just the ones with the same job group. This can be fair to do but does not judge on best ranking from the specific job titles.


Noe, Raymond, John Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, Patrick Wright. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions, 2018. [Purdue University Global Bookshelf].

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How would you respond to James?

Professor and class,

According to an article I read from Susan M. Heathfield, ” Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. Performance management is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee leaves your organization. ” This means that the organization is responsible to give a work environment the the individual feels that they can progress and not get trapped in a rut.

Forced ranking, in my opinion, is a good and a bad thing. For one, it will let the individuals that put in the extra effort to stand out and get recognition. On the opposite end of the spectrum, it can make the individuals that do their job but don’t do any extra to feel as if they are being outed.

Forced-Distribution Method

Method of performance measurement that assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories.

· Exceptional—5%

· Exceeds standards—25%

· Meets standards—55%

· Room for improvement—10%

· Not acceptable—5%

We have something similar to this in the Air Force known as the EPR, or Evaluation Performance Report which ranks you against your peers to receive a rank number of 1 through 5 with 5 being the best.




Susan M. Heathfield, 2017, “What is performance management” Retrieved from: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/performance-management-1918226

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This is what I put as my discussion please look below to answer to the professor!!!!

Gary Theater is using various principles of controlling their internal cash receipts management. The theater has established responsibilities by ensuring that the doorperson and the cashiers have kept the records of the receipts to ensure accountability (Edmonds et al, 2015). The theater is also maintaining records at all stages and ensuring that the slips of the bank deposits are given to the treasurer of the company for verification and they are in turn taken to the accounting department of the company. There is also the application of the segregation of duties by ensuring that there is a reasonable duty roster where each person is given specific working hours. The receipts are always stored in a safe which is mostly situated in the office of the manager to ensure that independent reviews are performed regularly. In case the doorperson and the cashier want to work in partnership to siphon off cash the cashier will just receive the cash from the customer and not operate a machine to produce the ticket. The doorperson will, in turn, allow the customer to enter the theater without producing the receipt.


Edmonds, T. P., Edmonds, C. T., Olds, P. R., McNair, F. M., & Tsay, B. Y. (2015). Survey of accounting. McGraw-Hill Education.

This is what the teacher asked me, how would you respond to him?

Good information Desminique.

You have mentioned that: “In case the doorperson and the cashier want to work in partnership to siphon off cash the cashier will just receive the cash from the customer and not operate a machine to produce the ticket. The doorperson will, in turn, allow the customer to enter the theater without producing the receipt.”

Could you please research and explain what the theater manager needs to do to avoid the issue of having the doorperson and the cashier to work together and commit fraud? Be specific in providing your explanation with examples.

How would you respond to Uriah?

From my analysis all six principles of internal controls are applied in this situation. I will list all the controls as I have observed them:

Establishment of responsibility: there is only one cashier on shift at a time, and there are only two total cashiers

Segregation of duties: the cashiers handle the money and the doormen handle the tickets

Documentation procedures: the tickets are serially numbered, and at the end of each shift the manager sends the deposit slips and the initialed cash count sheets to the company treasurer and accounting department

Physical controls: the new tickets at the beginning of each shift are locked into a lockbox, and the doorman locks the halved tickets into a different lockbox

Independent internal verification: the manager reviews all records at the end of the shift

Human resource controls: both cashiers are bonded

If the cashiers and doormen wanted to work together to steal from the company they could not drop the tickets into the lockbox and the cashier could not record the cash transaction.

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