Dissertation Writers: Describe similarities and differences between the two theories.

Dissertation Writers: Describe similarities and differences between the two theories.

Describe similarities and differences between the two theories.

Includes a thorough, insightful analysis of the similarities and differences between the two theories.

 Includes a detailed and insightful analysis of the similarities and differences between the two theories.

Includes an analysis of the similarities and differences between the two theories.

Includes some analysis of the similarities and differences between the two theories.

include analysis of similarities and differences between the two theories.

5 – Demonstrates exemplary clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, flawless mechanics, and precise APA formatting.

4 – Demonstrates effective clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, proper mechanics, and correct APA formatting.

3 – Demonstrates adequate clarity and organization. The paper contains a clear thesis statement, adequate mechanics, and mostly correct APA formatting.

2 – Demonstrates some clarity and organization. The paper contains an unclear thesis statement, poor mechanics, and improper APA formatting.

1 – Lacking clarity and organization.

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