Dissertation Writers: Describe how you might go about determining scores for applicants’ responses

Dissertation Writers: Describe how you might go about determining scores for applicants’ responses

  • Imagine and describe a staffing system for a job in which there are no measures used.
  • Describe how you might go about determining scores for applicants’ responses to (a) interview questions, (b) letters of recommendation, and (c) questions about previous work experience.
  • Give examples of when you would want the following for a written job knowledge test
  • a low coefficient alpha (e.g., α = .35)
  • a low test–retest reliability.
  • Assume you gave a general ability test, measuring both verbal and computational skills, to a group of applicants for a specific job. Also assume that because of severe hiring pressures, you hired all of the applicants, regardless of their test scores.
  • How would you investigate the criterion-related validity of the test?
  • How would you go about investigating the content validity of the test?
  • What information does a selection decision maker need to collect in making staffing decisions? What are the ways in which this information can be collected?
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