Dissertation Writers:  Demonstrating Skills

Dissertation Writers:  Demonstrating Skills

You will need to do the research and write a 10 min transcript using the interventions listed below. I will make the video and send to you for you to finalize the 2 page paper and transcript to send back to me.

  • Application: Demonstrating Skills (video submission plus 1- to 2-page paper)
    Malcolm Gladwell noted in his book Outliers: The Story of Success (2008) that in order to become proficient at any one thing, an individual must practice 10,000 hours. At that point, she or he might be considered an expert.

    This week marks your first hour on the way to your 10,000 in gaining proficiency as a therapist. Although demonstrating skills to be reviewed by your Instructor might create some anxiety or apprehension, expert feedback is vital to your development of skills and abilities. Every therapist at some point in her or his training and education has gone through this same ritual. Start slow, add a skill or two each time you tape a mock session, and continue to build upon and practice your skills. You will, over time, be amazed at your improvement.

    Reference: Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success. New York, NY: Little, Brown.
    The assignment (video submission plus a 1- to 2-page paper)

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