Dissertation Writers: decide on a training model, conduct a needs analysis, write learning objectives, and create the content of the training

Dissertation Writers: decide on a training model, conduct a needs analysis, write learning objectives, and create the content of the training

Imagine that you have been tasked with creating a training and development program for midlevel business managers in an organization (you can use your actual organization or one that you create). A midlevel manager is defined as a manager of

managers. You have to present your proposed training program to your supervisor. To do this, you must decide on a training model, conduct a needs analysis, write learning objectives, and create the content of the training. For your assignment, you

will create a 12- to 14-slide presentation (not counting the title and reference slides) that includes specific information.  decide on a training model, conduct a needs analysis, write learning objectives, and create the content of the training

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