Dissertation Writers: Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace and Community

Dissertation Writers: Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace and Community

Discussion: Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace and Community

Every human and social services organization may be thought of as its own small ecosystem, operating within the larger ecosystem of the community it serves. The cultural backgrounds of the employees that work at an organization, as well as those of the clients served by the organization, can potentially form a complex matrix of interactions. As professionals bound by laws (e.g., Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and by various codes of ethics that are profession-specific (e.g., the NOHS standards), human and social services professionals and the agencies they work within are committed to nondiscrimination and ethical adherence. Elaborate and discuss these statements in  detailed form.

There is, however, a difference between adhering to laws and ethics and providing truly culturally sensitive services for client populations. For this Discussion, you explore agency guidelines related to culture and cultural sensitivity and look for possible violations of these guidelines (some of which may be unintentional or well-meaning). Justify and provide several and relevant examples to the latter.

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