Dissertation Writers: Create a document retention policy for your College that complies with all state and Federal regulations

Dissertation Writers: Create a document retention policy for your College that complies with all state and Federal regulations


After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the following:

  1. Create a document retention policy for your College that complies with all state and Federal regulations. (Minimum 3 pages)
  2. Create a Litigation Hold Notice similar to the one provided to you in the Project Litigation Hold Notice handout. (Minimum 2 pages)
  3. Create a checklist of procedures that must be followed in order to comply with the Litigation Hold Notice. (Expected output is 2-3 pages)
  4. Prepare a summary of all your findings. (3-5 pages expected)

Submission Requirements

Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document in a minimum of 10 pages of content, not including a cover page and references.

  • Font: Arial 12-point size
  • Line Spacing: Double
  • Citation Style: APA Format
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