Dissertation Writers: Consider the psychological career alternatives available and determine from which fields of expertise your two points of view will come.

Dissertation Writers: Consider the psychological career alternatives available and determine from which fields of expertise your two points of view will come.

In this discussion, you will create a presentation from the point of view of two specific professionals who are experts on the topic you selected in Week One for your Final Project.  For this discussion:  Topic for this is Child Psychology

  • Consider the psychological career alternatives available and determine from which fields of expertise your two points of view will come.
  • Select the two professionals you will use with expertise on the topic you selected.  Your professionals’ identity may be based on a real person that you know, or they may be made-up based on the job description of a professional in the field.  The titles of your professionals should represent actual jobs (based on job descriptions) from categories in two different areas of mental health (e.g., psychiatry and psychology, social work and counseling).
  • In one or two sentences, briefly introduce your experts by describing their current careers as well as their backgrounds. The experts will be providing scholarly information on your selected topic based on the point-of-view of their respective professions.
    Provide evaluations from the experts in the course of the presentation, regarding contributions of psychological research on the chosen topic in an applied context.
  • Include information from at least two peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last five years to substantiate your experts’ claims.  You must select these two articles on your own.  You may not use resources listed within this course.  For information on how to generate search terms for specific resources,
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