Dissertation Writers: Computer and Information Sciences

Dissertation Writers: Computer and Information Sciences

Please write a research paper of 6 Pages on ” Health Information Trust Alliance, or HITRUST” .

=> Please follow the instruction listed in the words below.

Elaborate and discuss these statements in  detailed form.

Justify and provide several and relevant examples to the latter.

=> 6 Pages excludes Table of content, Reference, Introduction.

Also if possible please include images.

If you have any questions Please feel free to ping me.

List of instructions:

  • You must use scholarly, peer-reviewed. (A peer-reviewed article is one that has “been evaluated by several researchers or subject specialist in the academic community prior to accepting it for publication” and is “also known as scholarly or refereed.”)
  • Paper written for this course within the School for Computer and Information Sciences must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style.
  • Must be in APA Style
  • Research Paper Must Have at Least 5 Works Cited of Which 2 Must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles
  • Must be at Least 6 Double-Spaced Pages (excluding Introduction and Reference Page), 10-point Arial font.ion Trust Alliance, or HITRUST”
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