Dissertation Writers: Compile a list of 10 communicable diseases you feel have Pandemic and Epidemic potential and which quarantine methods are recommended control measures.

Dissertation Writers: Compile a list of 10 communicable diseases you feel have Pandemic and Epidemic potential and which quarantine methods are recommended control measures.

Epidemic vs. Pandemic

compile a list of 10 communicable diseases you feel have Pandemic and Epidemic potential and which quarantine methods are recommended control measures.

Select the disease you feel most confident about and in NLT 200 words explain why this disease has epidemic or pandemic potential and why quarantine methods would be successful. You can only use the disease once so please complete the assignment so you can discuss your favorite communicable disease.

you will conduct individual study on the federal laws on quarantine by reviewing the Jacobson case which is a very relevant topic and important information. These questions are there to spur your interest as you read the case of Jacobson v Massachusetts.

How did the case of Jacobson v Massachusetts effect police powers and civil liberties?

How did the law effect vaccination policy?

How did this case shape current ethics of quarantine?

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