Dissertation Writers: briefly discuss the developmental tasks and the psychosocial crisis

Dissertation Writers: briefly discuss the developmental tasks and the psychosocial crisis

In this assignment, you will gain an understanding of the crises that occur in development based on Erickson’s theory and utilize this understanding to apply this theory to your own development.

Erickson’s theory looks at development throughout life in a series of stages, and each stage identifies a crisis that occurs in life.

Based on your age, which stage of development does the theory predict you are currently facing? It is important to note that everyone’s development is unique and may not fall into this stage theory. You may feel that the previous stage or the next stage better explains your developmental process.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper discussing the stage of psychosocial development you are currently experiencing. Use the following questions to help direct you:

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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