Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Benefits Brochure

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Benefits Brochure

Benefits Brochure

To prepare for the employee who will be occupying the role, create an employee benefits brochure that you would present to new employees during their initial orientation.

Include in this brochure mandatory and discretionary benefits that are used in your industry. 

The brochure should be 6–8 pages with a professional appearance and should be modeled after a professional booklet from your company, a former company, or a company you would like to work for.

Hint: Research various Microsoft brochure templates to create a professional booklet.

NOTE: One of the positions the benefits brochure should be the most applicative to is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one. 


Points:   300

Assignment   1: Job Description




Below   70% F


70-79%   C


80-89%   B


90-100%   A


1.   Discusses mandatory benefits that are used in your industry

Weight:   30%

Did   not submit or incompletely discusses mandatory benefits that are used in your   industry.

Partially   discussed the mandatory benefits that are used in your industry.

Satisfactorily   discussed the mandatory benefits that are used in your industry.

Thoroughly   discussed the mandatory benefits that are used in your industry.


2.   Discussed discretionary benefits   that are used in your industry

Weight:   30%

Did   not submit or incompletely discussed the discretionary   benefits that are used in your industry.

Partially   discussed the discretionary benefits that are   used in your industry.

Satisfactorily   discussed the discretionary benefits that are   used in your industry.

Thoroughly   discussed the discretionary benefits that are   used in your industry.


4. Explain how you determined the   duties and qualifications for the job and which laws were considered when   creating the job description

Weight:   30%

Did   not submit or incompletely explained how   you determined the duties and qualifications for the job and which laws were   considered when creating the job description.

Partially   explained how you determined the   duties and qualifications for the job and which laws were considered when   creating the job description.

Satisfactorily   explained how you determined the   duties and qualifications for the job and which laws were considered when   creating the job description.

Thoroughly explained how you determined the duties and   qualifications for the job and which laws were considered when creating the   job description.


5.   Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements

Weight:   10%

More   than 6 errors present

5-6   errors present

3-4   errors present

0-2   errors present

Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper

Due in Week 10 and worth 300 points

Your new employee is going to be moving overseas! Develop a cultural information paper that will help them understand how to make the transition. (NOTE: You are able to choose any country–please make sure the county of choice is logical for the position.)

Include in this paper:

· a short introduction to the country,

· the local customs,

· what to expect, and

· a list of what is needed to work in the country.

o For example: Certain countries require a work visa. Include the requirements for the work visa.

Include country-specific information needed to live and work in that country such as:

· transportation availability,

· housing costs,

· union influence,

· work week,

· typical vacation time, and

· anything specific to the country we would not experience in the US.

o For example: Some countries the children wear uniforms and go to school all year

This paper should be 6-8 pages.

NOTE: The position moving overseas is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using      Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides;      citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check      with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the      title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the      course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not      included in the required assignment page length.


Points:   300

Assignment   4: Cultural Information Paper




Below   70% F


70-79%   C


80-89%   B


90-100%   A


1.   Provides an introduction to the country and   customs, and what to expect there

Weight:   20%

Did   not submit or incompletely create discussed an introduction   to the country and customs, and what to expect there.

Partially   discussed an introduction to the country and   customs, and what to expect there.

Satisfactorily   discussed an introduction to the country and   customs, and what to expect there.

Thoroughly   discussed an introduction to the country and   customs, and what to expect there.


2.   Gives details on what is needed to work in the country

Weight:   30%

PowerPoint   presentation incompletely discusses the details on what is needed to work in   the country.

PowerPoint   presentation partially discusses the details on what is needed to work in the   country.

PowerPoint   presentation satisfactorily discusses the details on what is needed to work   in the country.

PowerPoint   presentation thoroughly discusses the details on what is needed to work in   the country.


3.   Provides information about life in the foreign country: transportation,   housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected

Weight:   20%

Did   not submit or incompletely discusses life in the foreign country:   transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected.

PowerPoint   presentation partially discusses life in the foreign country: transportation,   housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected.

PowerPoint   presentation discusses life in the foreign country: transportation, housing,   schooling for children, and anything unexpected.

PowerPoint   presentation thoroughly discusses life in the foreign country:   transportation, housing, schooling for children, and anything unexpected.


4.   Provides information about the work culture in foreign country: union   influence, work week, and typical vacation time

Weight:   20%

Did   not submit or incompletely discusses the   work   culture in a foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical   vacation time.

PowerPoint   presentation partially discusses the   work   culture in a foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical   vacation time.

PowerPoint   presentation satisfactorily discusses the   work   culture in a foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical   vacation time.

PowerPoint   presentation thoroughly discusses the   work   culture in a foreign country: union influence, work week, and typical   vacation time.

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