Dissertation Writers: Based on the course material that you read this week, what are some ways that you plan on improving the development of your organizational communication skills?

Dissertation Writers: Based on the course material that you read this week, what are some ways that you plan on improving the development of your organizational communication skills?

Which area(s) do you feel are the most developed for you?
The areas I feel that I am the most developed would have to be my self image and definitely a locus of control. Although, that last statement makes me sound more conceded that confident (Keeps, 2011). I do feel though when it some to my business and work ethic I do strive to make myself a cut above the rest. I like to joke and say, it is because I was meant to be a journalist. It was my body and minds way of getting me ready for having to hurry and get the story out. As a boss in for the family business, because we are all family I try and be fair. I always let them know that even tho we are a laid back work environment and your bosses are your family, this is still a business, and they will act accordingly. I try to do more than just show the employees that no matter who you work with, their are ways in which you need to conduct yourself to be successful.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

Which area(s) do you need the most improvement?
Well, the most improvement would have to be my attitude in the kitchen. I am a chef and sometimes I have things to see the would make Gordon Ramsey cry. I have to really learn to have more patients with some of the coworkers. There are just certain pressures sometimes that can really get to a person. Also, its not just one or two incidents its like a domino effect of multiple stressing factors. Such as Friday night call out of work, understaffed, oven not heating up, main ingredient for the special isn’t in yet, no dishwasher, and waitresses that don’t know how to take an order. And that’s on an average night. Even when I moved down south it was a big cultural transition coming from the north. The way of life and role description and performance was a completely different experience.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

Based on the course material that you read this week, what are some ways that you plan on improving the development of your organizational communication skills?
Since I am still new at running a business with employees to have to manage I am working on ways of becoming a positive leader. I have had horrible bosses. I also, no that I can be a bit overbearing. I just have to take extra steps to ensure the structure I am instilling on my employees is fitting to their work ethic (Sachs, 1991). Not everyone works the same I cannot train a worker to be working as I desire but what they can do. Also, not being to timid as to give my opinion when inquired by my husband the CEO of the company. If I am second in command I have to make my desires heard.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

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