Dissertation Writers: Attributes which are measured in Self-Assessment

Dissertation Writers: Attributes which are measured in Self-Assessment

  • Individual Attributes: The six attributes which are measured in this Self-Assessment are time management, procrastination, persistence, academic attributes, locus of control, and willingness to ask for help. There are 24 items in this section with each of the six attributes being measured by four items. The items are measured on a four-point Likert-type scale of not like me at all, not much like me, somewhat like me, or very much like me.
  • Life Factors:  Many students strongly desire to continue their education. However, often other situations in life deter them from being able to do so. The Life Factors Self-Assessment asks questions about other elements in your life that may impact your ability to continue your education. You may be able to modify circumstances which impact some of these life factors. You are encouraged to take appropriate action to help you succeed in your education. There are 20 items in this section with each of the five factors being measured by four items. The items are mostly measured on a five-point Likert-type scale.
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