Dissertation Writers: Are the ramifications of legal and illegal immigration into the U.S. comparable?

Dissertation Writers: Are the ramifications of legal and illegal immigration into the U.S. comparable?

Constant immigration, both legal and illegal, into the United States has created a veritable melting pot of global cultures and has also been a major source of population expansion and cultural change within the borders of the continental U.S. Because of the cultural change and population boom that immigration contributes to, it remains a controversial topic in the U.S. from an economic, social and political perspective. Questions arise as to immigrants rights to vote, receive economic benefits, and obtain American jobs. Do you feel that immigration benefits America or is it an impediment to a growing American society. Why? Are the ramifications of legal and illegal immigration into the U.S. comparable? Does one category (legal or illegal) of immigration have more negative/positive consequences than the other?

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