Dissertation Writers: An Introduction to the U.S. Green Building Council

Dissertation Writers: An Introduction to the U.S. Green Building Council

An Introduction to the U.S. Green Building Council

and the LEEDTM Green Building

Rating System

An Introduction to the An Introduction to the U.S. Green Building CouncilU.S. Green Building Council

and theand the LEEDLEEDTM Green BuildingGreen Building

Rating SystemRating System

U.S. Green Building CouncilU.S. Green Building Council

The nation’s foremost coalition of leaders The nation’s foremost coalition of leaders from across the building industry working from across the building industry working to promote buildings that are to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work. and healthy places to live and work.

The organization’s purpose is to:The organization’s purpose is to: •• IntegrateIntegrate building industry sectorsbuilding industry sectors •• LeadLead market transformationmarket transformation •• EducateEducate owners and practitionersowners and practitioners

U.S. Green Building CouncilU.S. Green Building Council

National nonprofit organization based in National nonprofit organization based in Washington, DCWashington, DC Diverse membership of organizationsDiverse membership of organizations ConsensusConsensus–drivendriven CommitteeCommittee–based product developmentbased product development Developer and administrator of the Developer and administrator of the LEEDLEEDTMTM Green Building Rating SystemGreen Building Rating System

What is “Green” Design?What is “Green” Design?

Design and construction practices that Design and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupants in five broad environment and occupants in five broad areas:areas:

Sustainable site planning Sustainable site planning Safeguarding water and water efficiency Safeguarding water and water efficiency Energy efficiency and renewable energyEnergy efficiency and renewable energy Conservation of materials and resourcesConservation of materials and resources Indoor environmental qualityIndoor environmental quality

Environmental Impact of Buildings*

Environmental Impact of Buildings*

•• 65.2% of total U.S. electricity consumption 65.2% of total U.S. electricity consumption 11

•• > 36% of total U.S. primary energy use > 36% of total U.S. primary energy use 22

•• 30% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 30% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 33

•• 136 million tons of construction and demolition 136 million tons of construction and demolition waste in the U.S. (approx. 2.8 lbs/person/day) waste in the U.S. (approx. 2.8 lbs/person/day) 44

•• 12% of potable water in the U.S. 12% of potable water in the U.S. 55

•• 40% (3 billion tons annually) of raw materials 40% (3 billion tons annually) of raw materials use globally use globally 66

* Commercial and residential* Commercial and residential

Benefits of Green BuildingBenefits of Green Building

Environmental benefitsEnvironmental benefits •• Reduce the impacts of natural resource Reduce the impacts of natural resource


Economic benefitsEconomic benefits •• Improve the bottom lineImprove the bottom line

Health and safety benefits Health and safety benefits •• Enhance occupant comfort and healthEnhance occupant comfort and health

Community benefitsCommunity benefits Minimize strain on local infrastructures and Minimize strain on local infrastructures and improve quality of lifeimprove quality of life

Economic BenefitsEconomic Benefits

Competitive first costsCompetitive first costs Integrated design allows high benefit at low Integrated design allows high benefit at low cost by achieving synergies between cost by achieving synergies between disciplines and between technologiesdisciplines and between technologies

Reduce operating costsReduce operating costs Lower utility costs significantlyLower utility costs significantly

Optimize lifeOptimize life–cycle economic performancecycle economic performance

Productivity BenefitsProductivity Benefits

Improve occupant performanceImprove occupant performance •• Estimated $29 Estimated $29 ––168 billion in national 168 billion in national

productivity losses per year productivity losses per year 11

•• Student performance is better in daylit Student performance is better in daylit schools. schools. 2, 32, 3

Reduce absenteeism and turnoverReduce absenteeism and turnover •• Providing a healthy workplace improves Providing a healthy workplace improves

employee satisfactionemployee satisfaction

Increase retail sales with daylightingIncrease retail sales with daylighting •• Studies have shown ~40% improvement Studies have shown ~40% improvement 44

Why Was LEEDTM Created?Why Was LEEDTM Created?

Facilitate positive results for the Facilitate positive results for the environment, occupant health and environment, occupant health and financial returnfinancial return Define “green” by providing a standard Define “green” by providing a standard for measurementfor measurement Prevent “Prevent “greenwashinggreenwashing” (false or ” (false or exaggerated claims)exaggerated claims) Promote wholePromote whole–building, integrated building, integrated design processesdesign processes

Why Was LEEDTM Created?Why Was LEEDTM Created?

Use as a design guidelineUse as a design guideline Recognize leadersRecognize leaders Stimulate green competitionStimulate green competition Establish market value with recognizable Establish market value with recognizable national “brand”national “brand” Raise consumer awareness Raise consumer awareness Transform the marketplaceTransform the marketplace!!

LEED-NCTM Market Transformation

LEED-NCTM Market Transformation

77 Certified Projects*77 Certified Projects* 1017 Registered Projects*1017 Registered Projects*

134 M gsf* 49 States 10 Countries*

*As of 11.20.03*As of 11.20.03

LEED-NCTM Market TransformationLEED-NCTM Market Transformation Registered Projects by Building Type*Registered Projects by Building Type*

**As of 11.20.03As of 11.20.03

Assembly 2%

Recreation 2%Laboratory


Industrial (manufacturing , warehouse, pub. works)


Interpretive Center

(museum, visitor center,

zoo) 5%

K-12 Education


Multi-Use 21%

Commercial Office 18%

Higher Education


Multi-Unit Residential


LEED-NCTM National ReportsLEED-NCTM National Reports Registered Projects by Owner Type*Registered Projects by Owner Type*

Individual 1%

Profit Corporation


Local Government

24%Nonprofit Corporation


State Government


Other 6%Federal

Government 10%

* As of 11.20.03* As of 11.20.03

Leadership in Energy & Environmental DesignTM Leadership in Energy & Environmental DesignTM

A leadingA leading–edge system for designing, edge system for designing, constructing, operating and certifying the constructing, operating and certifying the

world’s greenest buildings.world’s greenest buildings.

USGBC’sUSGBC’s flagship rating system is flagship rating system is LEED for New Construction and Major LEED for New Construction and Major

Renovations (LEEDRenovations (LEED–NC)NC)

LEED ClassificationsLEED Classifications







LEED-H for




Technical Overview of LEEDTMTechnical Overview of LEEDTM

Green building rating system, currently for Green building rating system, currently for commercial and institutional new commercial and institutional new construction and major renovation.construction and major renovation. Existing, proven technologiesExisting, proven technologies Evaluates and recognizes performance in Evaluates and recognizes performance in accepted green design categories accepted green design categories LEED product development includes LEED product development includes existing buildings, interiors, multiple existing buildings, interiors, multiple buildings, core & shell, and homesbuildings, core & shell, and homes

Technical Overview of LEEDTM (continued)

Technical Overview of LEEDTM (continued)

WholeWhole–building approach encourages and building approach encourages and guides a collaborative, integrated design guides a collaborative, integrated design and construction processand construction process Optimizes environmental and economic Optimizes environmental and economic factorsfactors Four levels of certificationFour levels of certification •• LEED CertifiedLEED Certified 26 26 — 32 points 32 points •• Silver Level Silver Level 33 33 — 38 points 38 points •• Gold LevelGold Level 39 39 — 51 points 51 points •• Platinum LevelPlatinum Level 52+ points (69 possible)52+ points (69 possible)

LEED-NCTM Point DistributionLEED-NCTM Point Distribution

Water Efficiency

8%Energy & Atmosphere


Materials & Resources


Sustainable Sites 22%

Indoor Environmental

Quality 23%

Five LEED credit categories

Sustainable Sites – GoalsSustainable Sites – Goals

Develop appropriate sites Develop appropriate sites Reuse existing buildings and/or sitesReuse existing buildings and/or sites Protect natural and agricultural areasProtect natural and agricultural areas Reduce need for automobile useReduce need for automobile use Protect and/or restore sitesProtect and/or restore sites

Sustainable Sites – CreditsSustainable Sites – Credits

CreditCredit Point(s)Point(s) Erosion & Sediment ControlErosion & Sediment Control RequiredRequired Site SelectionSite Selection 11 Urban RedevelopmentUrban Redevelopment 11 Brownfield RedevelopmentBrownfield Redevelopment 11 Alternative TransportationAlternative Transportation 11–4 4 Reduced Site DisturbanceReduced Site Disturbance 11–22 StormwaterStormwater ManagementManagement 11–22 Landscape & Exterior Design to ReduceLandscape & Exterior Design to Reduce

Heat IslandsHeat Islands 11–22

Light Pollution ReductionLight Pollution Reduction 11 14 Total14 Total

Water Efficiency – GoalsWater Efficiency – Goals

Reduce the quantity of water required Reduce the quantity of water required for building operationsfor building operations Reduce municipal water supply and Reduce municipal water supply and treatment burdentreatment burden

Water Efficiency – CreditsWater Efficiency – Credits

CreditCredit Point(s)Point(s) Water Efficient LandscapingWater Efficient Landscaping 11–22 Innovative Wastewater TechnologiesInnovative Wastewater Technologies 11 Water Use ReductionWater Use Reduction 11–22

5 Total5 Total

Energy & Atmosphere – GoalsEnergy & Atmosphere – Goals

Establish energy efficiency and system Establish energy efficiency and system performanceperformance Optimize energy efficiencyOptimize energy efficiency Encourage renewable and alternative Encourage renewable and alternative energy sourcesenergy sources Support ozone protection protocolsSupport ozone protection protocols

Energy & Atmosphere – Credits Energy & Atmosphere – Credits

CreditCredit Point(s)Point(s)

Fundamental Building Systems CommissioningFundamental Building Systems Commissioning RequiredRequired

Minimum Energy PerformanceMinimum Energy Performance RequiredRequired

CFC Reduction in HVAC&R EquipmentCFC Reduction in HVAC&R Equipment RequiredRequired

Optimize Energy PerformanceOptimize Energy Performance 11–1010

Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy 11–33

Additional CommissioningAdditional Commissioning 11

Ozone DepletionOzone Depletion 11

Measurement & VerificationMeasurement & Verification 11 Green PowerGreen Power 11

17 Total17 Total

Materials & Resources – GoalsMaterials & Resources – Goals

Reduce the amount of materials Reduce the amount of materials requiredrequired Use materials with less environmental Use materials with less environmental impactimpact Reduce and manage wasteReduce and manage waste

Materials & Resources – Credits Materials & Resources – Credits

CreditCredit Point(s)Point(s)

Storage and Collection of RecyclablesStorage and Collection of Recyclables RequiredRequired Building ReuseBuilding Reuse 11–33

Construction Waste ManagementConstruction Waste Management 11–22

Resource ReuseResource Reuse 11–22

Recycled ContentRecycled Content 11–2 2

Local/Regional MaterialsLocal/Regional Materials 11–22

Rapidly Renewable MaterialsRapidly Renewable Materials 11 Certified WoodCertified Wood 11

13 Total13 Total

Indoor Environmental Quality – Goals Indoor Environmental Quality – Goals

Establish good indoor air qualityEstablish good indoor air quality Eliminate, reduce, and manage the Eliminate, reduce, and manage the sources of indoor pollutantssources of indoor pollutants Ensure thermal comfort and system Ensure thermal comfort and system controllabilitycontrollability Provide for occupant connection to the Provide for occupant connection to the outdoor environmentoutdoor environment

Indoor Environmental Quality – Credits Indoor Environmental Quality – Credits

CreditCredit Point(s)Point(s)

Minimum IAQ PerformanceMinimum IAQ Performance RequiredRequired Environmental Tobacco Smoke ControlEnvironmental Tobacco Smoke Control Carbon Dioxide (COCarbon Dioxide (CO22) Monitoring) Monitoring

RequiredRequired 11

Increase Ventilation EffectivenessIncrease Ventilation Effectiveness 11 Construction IAQ Management PlanConstruction IAQ Management Plan 11–22 LowLow–Emitting MaterialsEmitting Materials 11–44 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source ControlIndoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control 11 Controllability of SystemsControllability of Systems 11–22 Thermal ComfortThermal Comfort 11–22 Daylight & ViewsDaylight & Views 11–22

15 Total15 Total

Innovative Design – GoalsInnovative Design – Goals

Provide design teams and projects the Provide design teams and projects the opportunity to be awarded points for:opportunity to be awarded points for: Exceptional performance above and Exceptional performance above and beyond the standards set by the LEED beyond the standards set by the LEED Green Building Rating System.Green Building Rating System. Innovative performance in areas not Innovative performance in areas not specifically addressed by the LEED specifically addressed by the LEED Green Building Rating System.Green Building Rating System.

Innovative Design – CreditsInnovative Design – Credits

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