Dissertation Writers: Advertising Appeal Analysis

Dissertation Writers: Advertising Appeal Analysis

Brand loyalty often starts with the art of persuasion or advertising appeal. Influences are everywhere—most often based on trends, people who others emulate, one’s family’s ideas, and groups one belongs to. When people buy products, their decisions are often influenced by social, group, and even anthropological effects that shape their consumer behaviors. New media have greatly influenced why and how people buy today, too. Social media are about sharing and virtual word of mouth that makes buying convenient, easy, and fast. This assignment is designed to help you see how advertising messages get people’s attention based on their relevance to people’s lifestyles.

Click on a favorite Web site that you might consider for buying a product or service. Once you have chosen a Web site, create an Advertising Appeal Analysis that includes the following information:

  • Time to Travel
    • Time yourself       to see how long you are on the Web site. Track your clicks on items via       the site.
    • What did you       click on, and why?
    • Did you       download anything?
    • How easy was it       to surf around the site?
    • Were there any       difficulties or interruptions in your site travel?
      • If so, did        this make you want to leave the site, and why? What other observations        do you have?
    • Write an analysis       of 200 words about your time       traveling around the site.
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