Dissertation Writers: Assess financial performance to communicate financial planning strategies to internal stakeholders

Dissertation Writers:  ACC-202-02: Assess financial performance to communicate financial planning strategies to internal stakeholders

 ACC-202-02: Assess financial performance to communicate financial planning strategies to internal stakeholders

Prompt In a detailed presentation (12 to 15 slides in length, plus speaker notes and an addendum), explain and defend your costing strategies (i.e., the business plan created in your first and second milestones) and share your business’s performance to-date (i.e., the work from your third milestone). Be sure to effectively communicate to your stakeholders by breaking down concepts and using investor-friendly language to build their trust and confidence. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).

Introduce your presentation A. Outline your company’s profile, including its name, location, and mission and vision. B. Explain for your investors the purpose of the presentation. What do you plan to communicate, and why should your investors pay attention? In

other words, try to persuade your investors that the accounting information you are about to share is important. [ACC-202-03] C. Explain and defend your methods for generating the information that you are about to share in terms of your adherence to industry standards

and the AICPA code of ethics. In other words, why should your investors trust that you are delivering accurate financial data and that your decision-making process has been ethical? [ACC-202-03]

write a paper and develop a PowerPoint presentation

You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minimum of 5 references.

– Assure you are citing in APA format

-You must use a minimum of one graphics (may use a table)

– Doublespace the paper

– You must use APA formatting (6th Edition)Dissertation Writers:

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