Dissertation Writers: •Dealing with different ethical and information security dilemmas

Dissertation Writers: •Dealing with different ethical and information security dilemmas

Activity #4: Submission          FINAL PROJECT COHESION OVERVIEW  Throughout this course you will own and operate The Broadway Cafe taking advantage of business practices discussed in this text to increase profits, keep the business running, and bring the cafe into the 21st century. Each week, you will focus on a different part of the information systems that the business will use. You will apply managerial business decision-making skills performing a vast array of activities including:    •Using technology to gain a competitive advantage •Building an e-business strategy •Creating an online community for collaboration •Deploying a wireless network for customers •Using CRM to implement marketing campaigns and sales strategies •Dealing with different ethical and information security dilemmas •Project management activities for implementing solutions •Understanding how technology is used throughout a business by all the different functional areas     You have recently inherited your grandfather’s coffee shop, The Broadway Cafe, which is conveniently located in downtown (your city). The cafe offers many kinds of specialized coffees, teas, a full-service bakery, and homemade sandwiches, soups, and salads. Your grandfather first opened The Broadway Cafe in 1952, and it was a local hotspot for many years.     Unfortunately, business has been steadily declining over the last five years. Although your grandfather was an expert at running the coffee shop, it is outdated. There are no computers in the store, and all ordering takes place manually. Your grandfather had a terrific memory and knew all his customers by name, but unfortunately, none of this information is located anywhere in the store. The family recipes for the baked goods and soups are also stored in your grandfather’s memory. Inventory is tracked in a notepad, along with employee payroll, and marketing coupons. The Cafe does not have a Web site, uses very little marketing except word-of-mouth, and essentially still operates the same as it did in 1952.

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