Dissertation Writers: · Perform keyword driven searches to identify files and other digital artifacts of forensic interest 

Dissertation Writers: · Perform keyword driven searches to identify files and other digital artifacts of forensic interest

CMIT 424: Digital Forensics Analysis and Application (Spring 2016)

Detailed Assignment Description for Forensic Report #2

The purpose of this assignment is to determine if you can

· Properly process and handle evidence for a case and perform other case management functions

· Comply with laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and ethical constraints which apply to a case

· Develop and document a minimum set of policies and procedures required for the professional practice of digital forensics. (See report outline.)

· Select and use appropriate digital forensics tools

· Process an evidence drive by using a forensic tool to view and analyze partitions, folders, and files to answer questions posed by a client and to identify additional questions that should be asked

· Recover and analyze specific file types and contents

· Email files

· Encrypted or password protected files

· Internet Explorer cache files

· MS Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations (including metadata)

· Windows Registry files

· Text files

· Other file types as found in the image

· Perform keyword driven searches to identify files and other digital artifacts of forensic interest to the case

· Perform file carving to recover orphaned files and then identify which carved files contain information of forensic interest to the case.

· Properly recover and handle contraband (adult and child pornography, evidence related to narcotics)

· Write a reasonably professional comprehensive (full) report of a forensic examination

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