Dissertation Research Proposal Help-Textiles Coursework Assignment Help

Dissertation Research Proposal

Dissertation Research Proposal Help-Textiles Coursework Assignment Help

Overview (rationale and context for the research)

What form is your dissertation going to take?

What is your dissertation going to investigate and why? (include key concepts)

Why are you interested in this topic? Are there possible links to your practice?

What is your overall argument and critical position?


Background reading / Review of key literature / Critical Context (minimum 2000 words).

Who has written what about this topic?

What key concepts and debates are evident in these studies?

What issues arise from your market research (business planning)?

How will this contextual research inform your own ideas?


Research Plan – What you plan to do.

A detailed account of what case studies/images/objects/artists/designers/branding and marketing strategies are going to be discussed in your study, with a rationale as to why they have been chosen.


An overview of which theoretical concepts, positions, methods or strategies from your background reading section that will be applied to your critical analysis of these examples, and what you expect to come out of doing so.


Bibliography – Relevant studies to your research proposal

A list of the Books, Academic studies and journal articles that have and will inform your research proposal (do not prioritise internet sites).



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