Annotated Bibliography
As part of your Doctoral Seminar for this set of weeks, you are participating in a seminar-style discussion about the weekly topics. You must address 5 of the attached Dissertations in the prescribed format (Also attached in MSWORD). As a related exercise, submit an annotated bibliography of the 5 resources you referred to this week. For each dissertation entry, be sure to include the full APA citation and address the following :
1. Scope
2. Purpose
3. Philosophical Approach
4. Underlying Assumptions
5. Research
6. Limitations
7. Opportunities for further inquiry
8. Validity of use
Weekly Topic: Sustainability and Community participation
Dissertation Resources:
Anderson, T. D. (2017). The role of rural community colleges in promoting sustainable economic rural community development: A multiple case study (Order No. 10284673). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1914908221). Retrieved from
Mah, V. A. (2016). Sustainability of community-managed projects in the north west region of Cameroon (Order No. 10589722). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1885887991). Retrieved from
Demirciler, B. (2014). Evaluation of sustainability in development projects utilizing renewable energy products in Zimbabwe (Order No. 1568035). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1608980895). Retrieved from
Kam, R. J. (2016). Cultivating self-sustaining rural communities: A design exploration for development in Puna, Hawai’i (Order No. 10295892). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1846119303). Retrieved from
Artyushevskaya, N. A. (2014). The role of women in sustainability of donor-funded rural drinking water supply projects in developing countries: A case study of Tajikistan (Order No. 1560727). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1562750005). Retrieved from