discussion essay

Explain the theme social inequalities exploring in the Humanities Describe in each religion, music, and film, providing either a link to the example or an embedded image Use specific concepts from the course to explain EACH of your selected examples. I want to see specific linkages from, 1. Week 6 Religion. http://jeffreymbrackett.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Academic-Study-of-Religion.pdf, 2. Week 3 music. http://www.ethnomusicology.org/?page=WhatisEthnomusicol 3. Week 5 film. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare from Week 5 Provide a quote and citation from readings or video. Tell me what you learned that allowed you to understand this representation. This should look something like, “In Week Three we studied Music and the article or video xxx stated “A specific quote and citation.” Assess the effectiveness or impact of each representation. In other words, how well did the representation present the concept? How effective was it? What impact did this representation have? What specific elements of the representation lead you to your conclusions? Provide a correctly formatted paper, complete and proper citations for any references you consult, using MLA or APA format Discussion 2 Paraphrasing Einstein, a person cannot grow remaining static—it takes new ideas, fresh thoughts and inspiration to bring about transformation. This is why the humanities are important. Where do you see the humanities helping you grow as a wholesome person? *the two discussions should be separate links*

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