Discuss the underlying psychological theory of disaster that best explains the occurrences in the article

In preparation for this discussion, review the following news report by clicking the link, Firemen Divorce For 9/11 Widowsor paste the web address into your browser http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/23/magazine/one-very-tangled-post-9-11-affair.html?_r=2 in addition to the assigned course readings and lecture notes.

Considering the effects of disaster on those directly and indirectly affected, discuss the following elements based on the information provided in the news article.

  1. Discuss the underlying      psychological theory of disaster that best explains the occurrences in the      article. Provide an explanation for your selection, discussing the reasons      the theory is most appropriate.
  2. How might the considerations      from the phases of trauma, Flight from Death, and      post-traumatic growth be relevant in the case noted?
  3. In the course of events, what      effects might the children involved have experienced by the initial trauma      of 9/11 and subsequent events?
  4. Discuss the needs of children      following disasters and information that has been revealed in recent      research related to the negative effects experienced by children and      adolescents, specifically those with parents who exhibit distress post-disaster.
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