Discuss class distinction in Katherine Mansfield’s "The Garden Party." What does the hat symbolize, and why is it significant? If an allusion is being made to the myth of Persephone and her capture and marriage to Hades, what is the point of it? What significant connections can you make between it and the theme of class stratification?

Length: 500 word minimum; 1,000 word maximum
Write a short essay about either "The Garden Party". Remember to ensure that your introduction introduces your topic in a general way and develops that topic specifically until it arrives at your thesis statement, which states the argument of your paper. Your thesis should be the answer to an implied question, the solution to a problem, or the resolution to a paradox about a topic in the text.
* Discuss class distinction in Katherine Mansfield’s "The Garden Party." What does the hat symbolize, and why is it significant? If an allusion is being made to the myth of Persephone and her capture and marriage to Hades, what is the point of it? What significant connections can you make between it and the theme of class stratification?

–For this assignment you should quote from the story at least once (if you are writing about a story), and the quotation must conform to MLA standards: the quotation should be properly introduced and grammatically correct with proper documentation in a “Works Cited” page at the end of the essay. If you choose to use secondary material, it must be quoted properly with proper documentation. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism, a very serious offence. Copying sources from the internet and not citing them is plagiarism; paraphrasing without acknowledging the source is plagiarism; submitting work that you yourself did not do is also plagiarism.

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