A direct strategy analytical report using memo format-Get Essay Help

For this assignment, you will write a two-page, direct strategy analytical report using memo format.-A direct strategy analytical report using memo format-Get Essay Help


Who you are:  the administrative assistant at Rook Property Management Ltd. (refer to case scenario)


Who your reader is: Ms. Arlene Kreuk, Community Manager


Background: On behalf of Omni Group, the owners of Scotia Estates, Arlene recently attended the annual conference of the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations in Ottawa. At the conference, some rental property owners presented plans to upgrade their buildings to become “smart apartments.” Arlene wants to know more about “smart apartments”: what technology is available, and what the major advantages and disadvantages of smart technology are for building owners and tenants. She has asked you to research and write an analytical report to help her decide whether to suggest upgrading to smart technology to Omni Group.


Your task:

1.      Use online sources and the library’s databases to find a minimum of three credible, non-academic sources published within the past ten years to gather information for your report. Credible sources include national news media, trade journals and magazines, etc.


2.      Write a full two-page (plus reference list), direct strategy analytical memo report for Ms. Kreuk. After your introduction, logically organize the body of the report to discuss the issues noted above. Conclude your report by summarizing your research, highlighting the most relevant information for your reader, and justifying your recommended action.


3.      Revise your drafts to ensure your message follows the instructions given here, in your COMM class, and on the checklist.



Referencing your research:  Please be sure to correctly acknowledge all your sources using APA style. Examples are shown in the Business Communication textbook and The Style Guide.


Use your own words to express your thoughts and paraphrase the words and ideas of other sources. Do not copy any material from the text book, class slides, other students’ work, or any sources you consult. Do not work with other students on this assignment.

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