Dietz V. Perez Dispute Report With Q&A

Read the two documents that chronicle the Dietz v. Perez dispute. 

  • What is the main source of the problem? Was there a contract?
  • What option(s) Dietz could have exercised instead of suing Perez in a court for the unpaid bill for the work he did for Perez? What could he have done differently?
  • Why didn’t Dietz win his case for collecting the unpaid bills?
  • Was  Perez justified with her “allegedly” disparaging  or slander remarks in online sites ( and What could she have done?
  • Did Dietz have a case against Perez for ruining his business? He was asking the court for both injunction remedy and monetary compensation. What options could he have taken to settle the escalating dispute?
  • Why did the Supreme Court of Virginia issued a summary reversal of the injunction?
  • What is the lesson that you learned from this?
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