Dietary Behavior Plan

Running Head: Dietary Behavior Plan

Dietary Behavior Plan


Jan 28, 2018


It is very vital to have a good nutrition since I maintain good health since it helps me maintain a healthy weight. Observing good diet has a lot of benefits to me ranging from reducing risks of high blood pressure, chronic diseases such as diabetes, some cancers, heart diseases, stroke among others. This is why it’s prudent to observe my daily choices of food since it will ultimately have a significant difference in my health. In this case, I have decided to observe my diet by daily consumption of the salmon. The latter is peach/ pink fatty fish which has flaky consistency. This type of fish has unsaturated fats and vital protein. It contains low mercury and it is recommended to eat salmon 14 times in our week, roughly twice in a day. The fish also contain omega 3 (CDC, 2017).

I work very hard to very to ensure that I eat salmon fish a minimum of 10 times a week even though is below the recommended intake level and I am planning to have this increase to 14 times a week. I have also had the opportunity to work in my mom’s hotel called the Kempinski which is a four-star hotel. Therefore, I ensure I eat it in every meal to compensate the times I am in school and rarely had it twice a day (Sprague, 2015). Recommended intake level of what exactly? Need to be specific.

In many instances, I live with my mom who is a nutritionist and always emphasizes on a healthy diet. She has helped me with a great deal to observe my diet and assists me to be conscious of my food intake decision. Actually, she is against the consumption of high level of calories which she always tells me is the highest leading source of obesity. (Need to find a reference for this and cite it). The latter leads to chances of having cardiovascular. The latter is attributed to 25% of total death in America. Obesity also leads to one having low esteems and also leads to emotional disorder according to psychologists (Mozaffarian, 2015). I am 24 years of age and this is the age that one needs a lot of food consumption since he or she is highly active (need to cite this). I do a lot of work such as school work and, I used to have a part-time job. This calls me to eat well-balanced food to maintain my food health which will help me carry all dozens of activities. At this age too, one is vulnerable to being overweight or being an obesity since approximately 40% of adults and children are affected by the problem of obesity or overweight (need to cite this). I also ensure that I do not have a lot of calories consumption which I ensure it stands at an average of 1620 and an upper limit of 1800 in a four day (need to cite this). This has helped me maintain good weight which is at between 160 and 196lbls based on my height which is 6’0’’. Thus, has helped me observe a good life.

During the daytime, I take my lunch in a hotel or in the school cafeteria and in this case, I don’t have an opportunity to have the recommended rate size of 3.5 ounces of the cooked salmon and 0.75 cups of flaked fish according to The America Heart Association (must insert year of publication here). This, therefore, makes me ensure that I take salmon fish in my diet at home during my supper and also in my breakfast 4 days in a week. The omega-3 fatty acids that I get helps me reduce the inflammations in my body, reduce chances of heart diseases and also arthritis. Equally, it helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol rate (Mozaffarian, 2015). Therefore, I ensure I take 0.75 ounces of salmon in the morning and 3.5 ounces of salmon in the evening during my suppers leading to approximately 4.25 ounce of salmon. The reason I consume fish protein is that possessed-grained makes one have an accumulation of abdominal fats. I also take a lot of fresh fruit juice to supplement and sometimes substitute the level of salmon which sometimes is a bit expensive. This helps to boost my immunity level since I get vitamin C and folic acid (Rabbi, 2015). Within this evaluation component, you discuss much of what you do that is positive and use several references which is great (although some statements are missing references for them and if noted should be cited). You have one area of improvement (consuming more salmon) but need to have another as well.

Dietary Behavior goals

Specific goals: To consume a minimum of 3.5 ounces of salmon fish in my suppers and 0.75 in my breakfast.

Friday to Sunday: Have everyday exercises by doing jogging around my estates, riding a bike and doing press-ups and seats before I sleep can’t be exercise since your paper discusses nutrition

Eat 2 ounces of protein from grains such as beans, peas among others and avoid processed grain.

Drink fresh fruit juice every day at lunchtime since I believe cafeteria fruits is not well balanced and avoid fatty meals

Measurable goals: Take eight glasses of water every day, take 4.25 ounce of salmon fish every day, eating every supper in our house since it is well balanced, take 1litre of fresh fruit juice every lunchtime to increase the folic acid and vitamin C in my body.

Action-Oriented: Have all breakfast at home, carry 2litres bottles of water every day, eat minimal level of food in the cafeteria and drink a lot of fresh fruit juice and also eat one apple in a day, ensure I eat salmon fish every day in my food.

Time-oriented goals: To increase the consumption of fresh fruit juice, salmon fish and an apple in the next two to three weeks.

You need to select one goal that is nutrition related (I would suggest the salmon one since your paper focuses so much on salmon). You have several goals here which are all great, you just need to pick one and describe how that one goal is Specific, Measurable, Action Oriented, Realistic and Timely.

I have done a Food Groups and Calories which I did between 01/01/2018 and 01/10/2018 and this has indicated that my consumption of calories is recommendable since I have a little level of consumption. From the report, I have slightly increased the level of calories to 180 calories from 174 calories. From the report, I am supposed to consume more of the green vegetables and this is by taking spinach and also carrots which will increase the level of calories. I have started consuming two apples and a slice of pineapple in a day which helps me increase the level of calories which I need to according to the report.

Anticipated and Plan.

I can rate my achievement of my dietary behavior. This is I can be able to measure by having a scale of 1 to 10, and I can rate my achievement at 6 and the remaining three to take it to my target which is 9, I will consume 1 ounce of salmon fish, have 3 ounces of unprocessed grain, increase my calories by 180 ounces by taking more carrots, pineapple and another folic acid. In the school cafeteria, I will only consume unpossessed grains. I am so sure, at the scale of 1-10, I will hit 9. I will ensure more time to have exercise and prepare food and finally, I will go to play football two hours in a week. I will request my school friends and my mom to help so that I may not relapse to the former behaviors. Need to rate difficulty perception and level of confidence and explain your rating (it appears you rate one of them but I’m not sure which), you also need to discuss plans around your goal, what will you do to support reaching your goal. This would be where you would want to tie back in when you are going to consume things, and how to prepare to make it easier on yourself to reach your goal. Also, you will want to be specific about how your friends and your mom will help you so that you do not fall back into old ways.

References (should be alphabetized)

CDC. (2017). Childhood Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC. Retrieved 25 September 2017, from

Sprague, M., Walton, J., Campbell, P. J., Strachan, F., Dick, J. R., & Bell, J. G. (2015). Replacement of fish oil with a DHA-rich algal meal derived from Schizochytrium sp. on the fatty acid and persistent organic pollutant levels in diets and flesh of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.) post-smolts. Food Chemistry, 185, 413-421.

Mozaffarian, D., Benjamin, E. J., Go, A. S., Arnett, D. K., Blaha, M. J., Cushman, M., … & Huffman, M. D. (2015). Heart disease and stroke statistics—2015 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 131(4), e29-e322.

Rabbi, M., Pfammatter, A., Zhang, M., Spring, B., & Choudhury, T. (2015). Automated personalized feedback for physical activity and dietary behavior change with mobile phones: a randomized controlled trial on adults. JMIR health and uHealth, 3(2).

STEP Points Things to look for
1. Monitoring

· Diet: Super tracker report (3 days)

· Physical Activity: Super tracker report (7 days)

· Sleep logs (7 days)

0/12 Reports or logs (may be in separate attachments)

· Must be the correct # of days

· Must make sense with the evaluation component

Your Monitoring component does not match up with your Behavior Change report, if you monitor sleep, your report should revolve around sleep quantity or quality.

2. Evaluate

· Assess their behaviors

· Positive behaviors

· Areas of improvement

· Reflection on influences

25/28 · Provide several statements of assessment that include a comparison to guidelines (10 points total)

· Diet comparison: Supertracker, Dietary Guidelines, MyPlate

· Physical Activity: Supertracker OR Guidelines for Americans

· Sleep: hours compared to a range e.g 7-9 (book) or 7-8 hours(CDC) average OR comparison of behaviors to sleep hygiene recommendations; need to also assess how rested they feel

· -4 points if comparison to guidelines completely missing, but other evaluative components present

· TWO positive behaviors CURRENTLY doing with explanation with explanation why they are positive (6 points total, -3 points if only one) NEED CITATION (-1 point in references if missing)

· TWO areas of improvement CURRENTLY doing with explanation why they are areas of improvement (6 points total -3 points if only one) NEED CITATION -3 Missing another area of improvement

· Reflection on influences (6 points total); full credit will include several influences with an explanation as to why, otherwise take off 2 points and ask about more influences

3. Goal Setting



Health benefits

20/28 · 10 points for writing a goal (whether it is SMART or not) PLEASE EVALUATE GOAL FOR APPROPRIATENESS -2 Need to select one of your goals that is appropriate to what you’ve discussed thus far in the report

· Evaluation of the goal needs to be written and explained: Specific; Measureable; Action-Oriented, Realistic, Time-sensitive (6 points; Time-sensitive may not be present, others should be explained) –if the goal is not specific/measureable,-2 points, -1 point if not realistic -6 This needs to be written out for ONE goal, take the goal and break it down as to how it is Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, and Timely

· Explanation WHY this particular goal; connection to personal benefit or meeting a deficiency/recommendation (10 points with majority for explanation of why this goal and expected outcome) Giving credit since you discuss this in the previous section

· Statement of health benefits discussed within goal setting context, 2 points NEED CITATION

4. Planning and Anticipate

Easy/difficulty 1-10

Confidence 1-10



12/24 · Rate easy/difficult perception (1 point if missing) and explain it (3 points total)

· Rate confidence (1 point if missing) and explain (3 points total) -3 Missing this rating/explaination

· Discusses plans that make sense with goal and that are specific to their daily lives and activities; should be talking about more than one thing; if it seems like they aren’t thinking it through very well, give partial credit (9 points total) -2 Elaborate on plans with more detail

· Identifies barriers AND a work around; more than one barrier needs to be present (5 points; Must identify a solution to the barrier identified if willpower related, -1.5) -5 You didn’t touch on barriers/work arounds at all

· Motivation techniques or protections against falling into old habits; reward only okay (4 points) -2 Need to be specific about how your mom/friends will help motivate you

5. References 5/8 In-text citations (take off as needed throughout)

Reference page AT LEAST ONE reference is needed

-0.5 pts per error , -0.5 for credibility

-1 full point EVERY TIME they miss a “NEED CITATION”

-2 for several missing citation statements noted throughout paper, -1 references were also not alphabetized as they should be

Total 62/100 Paper should not be centered

Work on all my comments in red and resubmit

Thank you


Running Head:

Dietary Behavior Plan


Dietary Behavior Plan


Jan 28, 2018



It is very vital to have a good nutrition since I maintain good health since it helps me maintain a

healthy weight. Observing good diet has a lot of benefits to me ranging from reducing risks of

Running Head: Dietary Behavior Plan


Dietary Behavior Plan


Jan 28, 2018


It is very vital to have a good nutrition since I maintain good health since it helps me maintain a

healthy weight. Observing good diet has a lot of benefits to me ranging from reducing risks of

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