develop a teaching plan to provide health education to an individual client

Individual Health Teaching Plan

Each student will develop a teaching plan to provide health education to an individual client. It should be a 4- to 5-page (excluding references) teaching plan. Paper must be double-spaced, in 12-point Times or Times New Roman font, with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins, and 5 to 7 space paragraph indents. Content exceeding the page limit will not be graded. The assignment will include the client profile and learning needs, and describe a plan for health teaching to meet the identified learning needs. The plan will identify the client learning goal and appropriate objectives. Teaching content, method(s) of instruction and resources needed to implement the teaching must be listed and explained. The plan will identify methods of learning evaluation consistent with the learning objectives. Scholarly references should be used to support choices regarding content, methods, and resources. Existing learning resources must be appropriately referenced; student-developed resources must be appended to the learning plan document. Individual Health Teaching Plan Grading Criteria:

10% – Clarity of client description and utility for evaluating appropriateness of teaching plan 15% – Clarity and completeness of goals and objectives; appropriateness for identified client characteristics and health concern

20% – Appropriateness of content to objectives, identified client, and learning concern; strength of references supporting content choices; correctness of citation format

20% – Appropriateness and likely effectiveness of method(s) for fostering learning in identified client; strength of rationale for choices (including references); correctness of citation format

20% – Appropriateness and likely effectiveness of proposed resources for fostering learning in identified client; strength of rationale for choices (including references); correctness of citation format

15% – Appropriateness of suggested method of evaluating client learning to learning objectives and client characteristics.


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