Diversity and culture-What might be barriers to valuing diversity? What are some of the major concerns or problems a leader might face in a culturally diverse organization


Determine  the most important influence in the life of Abigail Adams and write a  multi-paragraph essay proving why it was the most important influence.

Part 2

Written Assignment: Diversity

Written assignment MUST be a minimum of 750 words. Use headings to separate topics/questions. Use Font: Times New Roman, Spacing: before & after 0 point; Line spacing: multiple 1.15

Watch “Evan Apfelbaum – Diversity in the Workplace” and

“Managing idiosyncratic Talent” videos:


Discuss the following in your written assignment:

What is meant by managing diversity? What might be barriers to valuing diversity? What are some of the major concerns or problems a leader might face in a culturally diverse organization? Do groups with diverse members make better decisions? Discuss.

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