Facility Demand Options Probability Actions Expected Payoffs
Large Low Demand 0.4 Do Nothing ($10)
Low Demand 0.4 Reduce Prices $50
High Demand 0.6 $70
Small Low Demand 0.4 $40
High Demand 0.6 Do Nothing $40
High Demand 0.6 Overtime $50
High Demand 0.6 Expand $55
Determination of chance probability and respective payoffs:
Build Small:
Low Demand 0.4($40)=$16
High Demand 0.6($55)=$33
Build Large:
Low Demand 0.4($50)=$20
High Demand 0.6($70)=$42
Determination of Expected Value of each alternative
Build Small: $16+$33=$49
Build Large: $20+$42=$62
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