Detecting hacking on android phones Project Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help


Detecting hacking on android phones Project Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help

Title:      Detecting hacking on android phones


Aim:(Please provide a brief summary of what you hope to achieve by the end of your project. Your proposed aim should clearly identify your topic of interest.)


As a software developer, the app code deployed on many devices can be reverse engineered and tampered with. All these attacks on end user devices like Android are detected after the fact.

A system that can detect if an android app in under analysis by a hacker, by detecting debugging activities on the device, could anticipate the attack detection before it is actually taking place.

By the end of this project I hope to have a software which will let users know beforehand that their phone is trying to be hacked so it could be prevented.


Objectives: (Please provide a list of the objectives you need to achieve for your project to succeed.)


To Acquire the right knowledge and skills

To Identify the main risks of hacking

To show how hacking can be prevented


Rationale: (Please provide a detailed explanation of why you think this project needs to be undertaken.)


A lot of mobiles are being hacked and details are being stolen without the owner’s knowledge so this would help to prevent it happening. Moreover, there are no existing solutions to remotely detect hacking activities such as debugging.


I think this project needs to be undertaken as there are many hackers in the world which are able to gain entry to mobile phones without the owner’s knowledge. If this project is undertaken then the owners would be alerted beforehand and would be able to take action and prevent the hack from occurring and any details from being taken.


Facilities required:           (Please provide a detailed list of what you will need to do implement your solution)



Windows 7, OS





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