Current-State Workflow Analysis: Discuss successes and challenges in completing the design and development of a DBMS



Competency 7049.1.4:

Informatics Projects –

The graduate designs clinically relevant and user-focused informatics projects using informatics systems theory, information processing theory and national taxonomies to support safe, high quality patient outcomes.

Task 1:

Current-State Workflow Analysis


In this task, you will showcase your ability to diagram and analyze a current-state data workflow using standard diagramming techniques. To create your workflow analysis, you will need to access Microsoft Visio using the virtual lab within unit 1.7 of your course. You can also access this lab below with the “Unit 1.7 Virtual Lab: Access and VISIO 2016” link in the web link section below. For additional information on completing a workflow analysis, visit the “Workflow Analysis References” web link.


For this assessment, you will use system-generated time data that have been aggregated and presented as mean times for major steps in the workflow process. These mean times are specifically for patients triaged as ESI Level 3, meaning patients designated as “urgent stable.” For more information on emergency severity index (ESI) levels, please visit the “ESI Levels” link in the web links section.

Using the mean times from the “Workflow Observations on ESI Level 3 Patients” attachment, create a basic or cross-functional workflow diagram in Microsoft Visio and include an interpretation of the diagram in a caption or on a separate page.

A. Diagram a detailed flowchart of the mean times in the “Workflow Observations on ESI Level 3 Patients” attachment using standard flowchart symbols. Ensure your diagram meets the following criteria:

• Apply appropriate shapes for each workflow step.

• Connect shapes using dynamic or auto connectors.

• Label each connector with the number of patients and the mean time between steps (e.g., N = 5, M = 21.4 minutes).

• When the workflow shape indicates a decision, diagram the options and flow changes that this decision generates.

• If you use a cross-functional diagram, include ED worker type swim lanes to designate steps in the process performed by the ED worker.

B. Briefly explain each aspect of the flowchart for hospital administrators and other stakeholders in a caption or on a separate page.

1. Identify three of the weakest areas of flow (i.e., bottlenecks or inefficiencies) and explain how you would improve one of the weak areas reduce throughput time.

C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


1. Discuss successes and challenges in completing the design and development of a DBMS.

2. Explain how your thinking regarding data modeling and database management systems evolved over time while working on this assessment.

3. Explain how the knowledge and skills you have acquired during this course inform the roles and responsibilities of a nurse informaticist in a work setting.

4. Embed a screen shot of your ERD.

5. Embed a screen shot of the Mircosoft Access form you created in your DBMS.

C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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