Customer Service Specialist-Listening Skills

Customer Service Specialist 2 Assignments

CSS120 Professional Communication/Call Center: Project 2

Are You a Good Listener?

Project 2. How Good Are Your Listening Skills?

Follow the link and take the online listening assessment :

A. Copy and paste your results including your total score, score interpretation and assessment recommendations

B. Table 2.1 on page 52 compares the characteristics of active and passive listening. Review these characteristics and identify the active listening characteristics you possess. List 3 to 5 ways you can become a more active listener.

C. Based on the results from your online assessment write 2 paragraphs (3 to 5 sentences) discussing how you can become a better listener. Reference chapter 2 pages 50-62.

Submit your responses to the Project 2 Dropbox folder on D2L.

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