Custom Writing Service:Describe the different mechanisms of diarrhea (osmotic, secretory and motility).

Custom Writing Service:Describe the different mechanisms of diarrhea (osmotic, secretory and motility).

In a 2-3 page paper, answer the following questions. Include, at  minimum, two peer reviewed sources (in-text citation), and provide a  Reference page (not included in the page count) using APA Editorial  format.

  1. What is the pathogenesis of diarrhea?
  2. Describe the different mechanisms of diarrhea (osmotic, secretory and motility).
  3. With the limited information provided, what  additional  information would you like to obtain from her history and physical  to  help direct your care plan? Describe why obtaining this information  would be helpful in leading you to a nursing diagnosis.
  4. What infectious or inflammatory conditions could she be suffering from?
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