Custom Writing Service-Writing Project And Presentation on Taxation
You are working for a local accountant during tax season and the accountant has asked you to prepare the appropriate tax form for Ace Company. Ace Company is a newly formed handyman business owned by Mr. and Mrs. Becker. Mrs. Becker just enrolled in her first bookkeeping class and created the spreadsheet you were given (attached file located above). As you can see Mrs. Becker left you a note about not paying any taxes this year. This project is split into four (4) parts with one (1) part due each week of the course. Based on your readings, use of technology, literature, and other sources do the following:
Update Mrs. Becker’s spreadsheet for any adjustments you feel are needed and create a spreadsheet template for her to use next year. Be sure to use proper formulas and formatting to give the documents a professional look.
Write a short letter to Mr. and Mrs. Becker explaining any changes you made to Mrs. Becker’s classification of income and/or expenses and if any additional information is needed from them to complete the tax form.
If any adjustments are made to the spreadsheet be sure to reference the reason in your letter so the Becker’s understand.
If you have any additional questions for the Becker’s please list them clearly in the letter.
Include a discussion surrounding the major tax reform that recently passed – the TCJA (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) and its potential effect on the client’s tax return for next year. (i.e. consider the items covered in the handout above)
Present your findings as if you were presenting them to the clients.