Custom Writing Service-Write a comprehensive social media marketing plan for a chosen company.

Custom Writing Service-Write a comprehensive social media marketing plan for a chosen company.

You are required to write a comprehensive social media marketing plan for a chosen company.

You will prepare a social media marketing plan for the ABC Company that is working on introducing a healthy drink called Blender to the college students. The company is looking for a marketing plan that can be implemented in social media.

You can use your creativity for this project to make it unique.

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the depth of your understanding of this course.

Please use the following outline:

1. Executive Summary

2. Situational Analysis


Target market

Pertinent environmental factors/forces/trends

Past performance, trends, projections

Current strategies

3. Marketing objectives

4. Marketing strategies

5. Marketing tactics (how to implement strategies)

6. Control/Evaluation


7. Summary

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