Custom Writing Service–What would be the impact overall, by campus, by accounting unit, by unit “type” (ICU, BURN) of switching to the alternative from China? 

Custom Writing Service–What would be the impact overall, by campus, by accounting unit, by unit “type” (ICU, BURN) of switching to the alternative from China?

1) What would be the impact overall, by campus, by accounting unit, by unit “type” (ICU, BURN) of switching to the alternative from China?

(2) Assuming that there are costs associated with conversion besides the cost of the actual product, what might those be and how would you work those into your analysis?

(3) What are some other things that you might consider (besides cost) when evaluating this alternative? 

(4) Given what you know about NYP, is there any data missing that would affect the impact you’ve calculated?

(5) Was there anything you noticed in the data that was interesting or caught your eye?

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