Custom Writing Service: What role does religion play in this distinction, and how does religion foster and reinforce social cohesion? 

Custom Writing Service: What role does religion play in this distinction, and how does religion foster and reinforce social cohesion?

What are some of the key terms in Geertz’s theory of religion, and what do they mean? What examples does he use to support his theories. Make sure not to just list, but discuss.

According to Durkheim, what are the main shifts in social systems, moral behavior, politics, and personal affairs that the modern era ushers in? How, according to Durkheim, is social solidarity or unity achieved in modern societies?

What is the difference, according to Durkheim, between the sacred and the profane, and what are the features of each? What role does religion play in this distinction, and how does religion foster and reinforce social cohesion?

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